All of us have been rejected at some time by one source or another. For example, we could be promoting a product or sharing our faith with others and they reject our overture. However, it is what we do with rejection that will determine whether we remain defeated or are victorious. Mothers who are carrying babies in their wombs and have not dealt with rejection in the lives can pass it on to their unborn children. This is known as heredity rejection. Some other causes of rejection in children are as follows:
1. An unwanted pregnancy, where the child is not loved and welcomed.
2. An attempted abortion during pregnancy.
3. The separation and divorce of parents.
4. A parent spending long periods away from the family or both parents working.
5. Lack of physical love and discipline.
6. Constant criticism by parents or authority figure.
7. Adoption.
Some of the symptoms of rejection are:
1. A baby refusing the mother's breast milk.
2. A child does not show love or respond to being loved.
3. Rebellion and disobedience which resists discipline.
4. Being quick to get angry with little outward cause.
5. Insecurity and lack of self-confidence.
6. Always looking for acceptance.
Hallelujah! The power of rejection has been broken at the cross of Calvary. Isaiah tells us concerning Christ that He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering (Is 53:3). Christ took upon Himself the rejection that we face and gave us in its place His love and forgiveness. Many times, deep-seated problems could be traced to the root of rejection in our lives. Unless this is dealt with, we are dealing only with the symptoms. I was talking to a parent today about his child who suffered from some eating disorder but is now on the road to recovery. He is still monitoring his daughter closely and praying for her. The parent was working overseas and away from the family for quite a period of time, coming back occasionally during the last few years. Could the eating disorder be a symptom of a deeper cause? As I spoke to the parent, I told him to bind the spirit of mind control in the child. Certainly our minds can be a devil's playground if we are not careful and start entertaining thoughts that come by way of the mass media. I am praying that the child would be completely set free and healed of her physical disorder.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Call to Repentance
Earthquakes are occuring at an increasing frequency these days. Apart from those in Japan, we now have the recent one in Myanmar. The physical shaking that are occuring now represents the spiritual shaking that God is going to do. Firstly in the hearts of all men and secondly, in the kingdom of darkness.
As part of our family devotion, we were reading Luke 13:1-9 the other day. We were talking about the triple whammy afflicting Japan and why it happened. It's always so easy to apportion blame to people over unfortunate things that happen; the cause and effect rationale thinking in our human make-up. In the days of Christ, they had incidents that come close to what is known as "acts of God" - for example, the tower in Siloam that fell and killed 18 people. Jesus, reading the minds of the people who first came and reported the atrocities committed by Pilate against the Galileans, asked a rhetorical question, "Do you think they were worse culprits than all other men in Jerusalem who lived?" And to address the report, He asked, "Do you suppose these Galileans were greater sinners than all other Galileans because of the fate they suffered?"
Jesus cleverly side-stepped the issue of apportioning blame and directed their attention into looking at the larger scheme of things in God's economy. God is interested in the repentance of all men; He wants us not to look outwards but to search our own hearts. All of us will die one day, whether through violent/peaceful means or otherwise. The calamity that had befallen the Jews could very well have fallen on His hearers. The important thing is to be ready to meet your Creator. The people may have wanted to fighten Jesus into not going to Jerusalem because wicked Pilate was around, and his notoriety preceded him. Jesus had by this time set His face like flint towards Jerusalm to accomplish His Father's will (Lk 13:22) and He was not going to be swayed by what men can do to Him. He came to earth of His own accord to lay down His life for lost humanity (Jn 10:17-18).
Putting things in our context today, are the people of Japan, NZ and Myanmar worse sinners than the rest of the world that are not afflicted by earthquakes? Certainly not, unless we repent, we shall likewise perish; not only physically but spiritually as well, separated from the love and presence of God. Jesus also brought up the point in the fig tree parable following His rhetorical questions, that God is looking for fruits (of repentance) among the people of Israel and He has given them time and grace to produce them. However, His patience has a limit, after which they would incur His wrath of being cut down. In the light of what is happening around us, may I humbly suggest a few things we can do:
1. Pray for ourselves that God would continually soften our hearts to repent of our sins.
2. Pray for the people affected by natural disasters - search & rescue work, reconstruction of life and society, comfort and consolation, financial and other necessary resources needed, expertise and manpower support, God's love and peace to flow, moving forward and not being paralysed by what has happened, etc.
3. Help through giving of cash and kind.
When we repent individually and collectively as a community or nation, we are pushing back the kingdom of darkness that envelops us. God will one day destroy the powers of darkness that is actively working to bring lives to bondage and slavery. Praise God that the unseen hosts of angels are greater than the unseen hosts of darkness (2 Kg 6:16-17). And the good news is that God ultimately triumphs despite the chaos we're currently experiencing!
As part of our family devotion, we were reading Luke 13:1-9 the other day. We were talking about the triple whammy afflicting Japan and why it happened. It's always so easy to apportion blame to people over unfortunate things that happen; the cause and effect rationale thinking in our human make-up. In the days of Christ, they had incidents that come close to what is known as "acts of God" - for example, the tower in Siloam that fell and killed 18 people. Jesus, reading the minds of the people who first came and reported the atrocities committed by Pilate against the Galileans, asked a rhetorical question, "Do you think they were worse culprits than all other men in Jerusalem who lived?" And to address the report, He asked, "Do you suppose these Galileans were greater sinners than all other Galileans because of the fate they suffered?"
Jesus cleverly side-stepped the issue of apportioning blame and directed their attention into looking at the larger scheme of things in God's economy. God is interested in the repentance of all men; He wants us not to look outwards but to search our own hearts. All of us will die one day, whether through violent/peaceful means or otherwise. The calamity that had befallen the Jews could very well have fallen on His hearers. The important thing is to be ready to meet your Creator. The people may have wanted to fighten Jesus into not going to Jerusalem because wicked Pilate was around, and his notoriety preceded him. Jesus had by this time set His face like flint towards Jerusalm to accomplish His Father's will (Lk 13:22) and He was not going to be swayed by what men can do to Him. He came to earth of His own accord to lay down His life for lost humanity (Jn 10:17-18).
Putting things in our context today, are the people of Japan, NZ and Myanmar worse sinners than the rest of the world that are not afflicted by earthquakes? Certainly not, unless we repent, we shall likewise perish; not only physically but spiritually as well, separated from the love and presence of God. Jesus also brought up the point in the fig tree parable following His rhetorical questions, that God is looking for fruits (of repentance) among the people of Israel and He has given them time and grace to produce them. However, His patience has a limit, after which they would incur His wrath of being cut down. In the light of what is happening around us, may I humbly suggest a few things we can do:
1. Pray for ourselves that God would continually soften our hearts to repent of our sins.
2. Pray for the people affected by natural disasters - search & rescue work, reconstruction of life and society, comfort and consolation, financial and other necessary resources needed, expertise and manpower support, God's love and peace to flow, moving forward and not being paralysed by what has happened, etc.
3. Help through giving of cash and kind.
When we repent individually and collectively as a community or nation, we are pushing back the kingdom of darkness that envelops us. God will one day destroy the powers of darkness that is actively working to bring lives to bondage and slavery. Praise God that the unseen hosts of angels are greater than the unseen hosts of darkness (2 Kg 6:16-17). And the good news is that God ultimately triumphs despite the chaos we're currently experiencing!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Babylon the Great
The recent earthquake in Japan has brought about a tsunami as well as a nuclear fallout, causing untold casualties and loss of property. At 9.0 on the Richter scale, it has been said to be one of the worst in recent times coming on the heels of the 6.3 New Zealand earthquake in Christchurch. Our prayers go out to the government and people of the affected countries. The rebuilding of lives and society is going to be a long and painful one for many. In crises such as these, it brings out the humanitarian aspect of mankind to render help and services to those in need.
The Bible talks about famines and earthquakes occuring in various places as part of the birth pangs preceding Christ's second coming (Mt 24:7). Indeed, earthquakes have been a frequent occurrence in our generation, with the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake-cum-tsunami killing more than 200,000 people. This shows that places that do not lie in any earthquake fault lines are also not spared of natural disaster. The media was talking about the Big One, refering to an earthquake of great magnitude and proportion that would one day hit California, which lies on the San Andreas fault line. However, the Book of Revelation mentions a great earthquake, such as there had not been since man came upon the earth, bringing destruction to Babylon the great, splitting it into three parts. Cities of the nations would fall, every island flee away and the moutains would not be found (Rev 16:18-20).
Many have speculated regarding this mystery Babylon, that she represented false religions and all the diabolical works of men that are engineered by the devil. She is known as the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth (Rev 17:5; Eze 33:23-29). We are warned to come out of her and not participate in her sins lest we receive of her plagues (Rev 18:4). And the plague would be extremely severe but men who have been thus afflicted would still blaspheme God and refuse to repent (Rev 16:21). How sad! In the last days, the diabolical works of the men are evident: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing and the likes (Gal 5:19-21). The counteracting agent against the deeds of the flesh is the Holy Spirit who endeavours to produce His fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control (Gal 5:22-23).
The earthquakes that are happening in the natural realm represents the shaking that God is currently doing to wake us up from our spiritual doldrums (Heb 12:25-29). We are urged to lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light, making no provision for the flesh (Rom 13:12-14). The motivation for such holy conduct and living is that we are about to inherit an unshakeable kingdom. This world of sin and corruption would be replaced by new heavens and a new earth where righteousness dwells (2 Pet 3:13). Peter exhorts us to make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with God (2 Pet 3:14). Let our hearts be soft and tender before God; repent of our wicked ways and return back to Him. For God will abundantly pardon, as we seek Him during a time where He can be found (Is 55:6-7).
The Bible talks about famines and earthquakes occuring in various places as part of the birth pangs preceding Christ's second coming (Mt 24:7). Indeed, earthquakes have been a frequent occurrence in our generation, with the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake-cum-tsunami killing more than 200,000 people. This shows that places that do not lie in any earthquake fault lines are also not spared of natural disaster. The media was talking about the Big One, refering to an earthquake of great magnitude and proportion that would one day hit California, which lies on the San Andreas fault line. However, the Book of Revelation mentions a great earthquake, such as there had not been since man came upon the earth, bringing destruction to Babylon the great, splitting it into three parts. Cities of the nations would fall, every island flee away and the moutains would not be found (Rev 16:18-20).
Many have speculated regarding this mystery Babylon, that she represented false religions and all the diabolical works of men that are engineered by the devil. She is known as the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth (Rev 17:5; Eze 33:23-29). We are warned to come out of her and not participate in her sins lest we receive of her plagues (Rev 18:4). And the plague would be extremely severe but men who have been thus afflicted would still blaspheme God and refuse to repent (Rev 16:21). How sad! In the last days, the diabolical works of the men are evident: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing and the likes (Gal 5:19-21). The counteracting agent against the deeds of the flesh is the Holy Spirit who endeavours to produce His fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control (Gal 5:22-23).
The earthquakes that are happening in the natural realm represents the shaking that God is currently doing to wake us up from our spiritual doldrums (Heb 12:25-29). We are urged to lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light, making no provision for the flesh (Rom 13:12-14). The motivation for such holy conduct and living is that we are about to inherit an unshakeable kingdom. This world of sin and corruption would be replaced by new heavens and a new earth where righteousness dwells (2 Pet 3:13). Peter exhorts us to make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with God (2 Pet 3:14). Let our hearts be soft and tender before God; repent of our wicked ways and return back to Him. For God will abundantly pardon, as we seek Him during a time where He can be found (Is 55:6-7).
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Receiving examinations results
Last Friday was the release of the GCE 'A' level examinations results. It was certainly a tense moment for the cohort who graduated last year. When the results were announced, especially those who obtained 7 distinctions or more, there were tears of joy and disbelief; at the wonderful set of results. On the other hand, there were also tears of disappointment; at not working hard enough to get better grades. Of course, not everyone would be so emotional as to shed tears. Some would shout for ecstasy while others would calmly accept the results they have. Whatever, it may be,tears are but a means to express our pent up emotional state at that point in time.
When we're sad over a matter, especially when faced with failure or bereavement, tears are inevitable. Jeremiah was known as the weeping prophet who lamented over the destruction of Jerusalem due to her sins and iniquities. He wrote in Lamentations 2:19, "Arise, cry out in the night,as the watches of the night begin; pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to him for the lives of your children, who faint from hunger at every street corner." He encouraged God's people to pray travailing prayers for their children; that they do not die of hunger.
In our context today, parents' prayers for their children may not be due to the lack of food. It may be due more to the effects of living in an affluent society. Children nowadays have plenty in terms of food and luxuries. Where food is concerned, it could be due to the ill effects of junk food with its attendant problem like obesity and other related health issues. As for luxuries, a whole host of gaming devices has sprouted to target both young and old. Addiction to gaming (online or otherwise) has caused many children to neglect their studies and be zonked out during lessons. Some of these could be potentially evil in nature and needs the ministry of deliverance. Social networking media is another cause for concern if not reign in properly. Parents should restrict the amount of time children spend on the internet, apart from the need to do research on the net.
Children in their teenage years are easily influenced by their peers and what the media portrays. Many teenagers (esp girls) are crazy over Justin Bieber, the Canadian singing sensation. His coming concert in Singapore has been sold out. My daughter wanted to go but we didn't allow her. Whether we like it or not, our children will change in their mindset when they progress on in life. However, when children start to grow wayward and rebel against parents, it signals that work has to be put in to restore the relationship. Many times, prayer cum heart-to-heart talk is needed. Children who go astray from the Lord signifies that the enemy has found a beachhead and planted a stronghold in their lives. In times like these, the support of prayer warriors is crucial as we may not have the ability to carry the burden on our own.

I accompanied my students to Tanjung Balai yesterday as part of the school's programme to develop service learning skills set. The place harks back to Singapore in the 1950s and 60s. It was certainly an eye opener for many of the students as they interacted with the village children, many of whom were already taking care of their younger siblings when they are only about 6 or 7 years of age. They were a contented lot where simple games and sweets would already make them very happy. They were treated to packet food which many of them shared in order to take back the extras for family members. Living in attap/zinc-roofed houses with pigs, dogs, chickens and goats, their only luxury was a TV set. The fathers of the house are fishermen, earning their keep. I was glad to note that a church has adopted the village and volunteers were bringing good cheer to them through Christian songs.
When we're sad over a matter, especially when faced with failure or bereavement, tears are inevitable. Jeremiah was known as the weeping prophet who lamented over the destruction of Jerusalem due to her sins and iniquities. He wrote in Lamentations 2:19, "Arise, cry out in the night,as the watches of the night begin; pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to him for the lives of your children, who faint from hunger at every street corner." He encouraged God's people to pray travailing prayers for their children; that they do not die of hunger.
In our context today, parents' prayers for their children may not be due to the lack of food. It may be due more to the effects of living in an affluent society. Children nowadays have plenty in terms of food and luxuries. Where food is concerned, it could be due to the ill effects of junk food with its attendant problem like obesity and other related health issues. As for luxuries, a whole host of gaming devices has sprouted to target both young and old. Addiction to gaming (online or otherwise) has caused many children to neglect their studies and be zonked out during lessons. Some of these could be potentially evil in nature and needs the ministry of deliverance. Social networking media is another cause for concern if not reign in properly. Parents should restrict the amount of time children spend on the internet, apart from the need to do research on the net.
Children in their teenage years are easily influenced by their peers and what the media portrays. Many teenagers (esp girls) are crazy over Justin Bieber, the Canadian singing sensation. His coming concert in Singapore has been sold out. My daughter wanted to go but we didn't allow her. Whether we like it or not, our children will change in their mindset when they progress on in life. However, when children start to grow wayward and rebel against parents, it signals that work has to be put in to restore the relationship. Many times, prayer cum heart-to-heart talk is needed. Children who go astray from the Lord signifies that the enemy has found a beachhead and planted a stronghold in their lives. In times like these, the support of prayer warriors is crucial as we may not have the ability to carry the burden on our own.
I accompanied my students to Tanjung Balai yesterday as part of the school's programme to develop service learning skills set. The place harks back to Singapore in the 1950s and 60s. It was certainly an eye opener for many of the students as they interacted with the village children, many of whom were already taking care of their younger siblings when they are only about 6 or 7 years of age. They were a contented lot where simple games and sweets would already make them very happy. They were treated to packet food which many of them shared in order to take back the extras for family members. Living in attap/zinc-roofed houses with pigs, dogs, chickens and goats, their only luxury was a TV set. The fathers of the house are fishermen, earning their keep. I was glad to note that a church has adopted the village and volunteers were bringing good cheer to them through Christian songs.
The village children do not have examinations to sit; only the older ones attend school. Their simple lifestyle is but a breath of fresh air to us city dwellers who are accustomed to all the high tech gadgets. They don't have maids to look after them; only their mothers while their fathers are away. The students left Tanjung Balai with a greater appreciation of what they have and not waste the things that they have. As they say, let's live simply so that others may simply live.
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