Thursday, November 19, 2009

How to pray for guidance? (Ps 5-6)

Guidance begins with the acknowledgment that God is our source of direction in life. David begins his day in prayer, seeking grace and mercy (6:1-3), believing that God would hear and answer him (5:1-3; 6:9). He also worships God in his temple (5:7).

God takes no pleasure in

1. those who do wicked things (5:4),

2. arrogant people (5:5),

3. people who lie and deceive others (5:6,9).

Surely these are the people God would not guide. The prayer of guidance is found in 5:8, “Lead me, O LORD, in your righteousness because of my enemies – make straight your way before me.”

If we decide in our hearts to follow the way of the world in being unrighteous, then this prayer is not for us. This prayer speaks of God’s righteousness that we seek (see Mt 6:33). The enemies of God, represented by the ungodly, seek to ensnare Christians in their way (see Rom 1:28-32). When we pray this prayer, we’re praying for God’s righteousness to reign in us and to follow in His upright (another word for straight) ways. Thank God we’re made righteous through the blood of Jesus Christ. And the promise is that God would surround us with favour as with a shield (5:12).

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