Monday, May 3, 2010

The Lost Chapter (Luke 15)

Today we read about the three parables of Jesus told in quick succession - the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost son.  We observe that the value of the 'commodity' increases once it becomes lost.  To the shepherd, a lost sheep is the cause for the open search.  To the woman who lost a silver coin, which possibly formed part of her dowry, missing it is a cause of great anxiety.  To the father who had to part with his son so early in his life, it was a cause of great pain and grief. 

I remembered that when my daughter Sheryl was much younger, probably 3-4 years old, she somehow wandered by herself in Joo Chiat Complex.  Our maid then also didn't notice that she had gone missing.  Naturally, this was a cause of great anxiety for us as parents and we started looking for her around the shops selling fabrics.  To our great joy and relief, she was quickly found and none the worse for it.  The value of our 'possessions' become great when there is a potential of long-term separation.

The climax of each parable is the celebration and rejoicing over the lost 'items' that were found.  More than that is the rejoicing that takes place in heaven over a sinner who repents and finds forgiveness in God.  We all have caused grief and heartache to our Heavenly Father when we chose to wander away from Him.  But thanks be to God for His indescribable gift, we have now been reconciled back to Him.  More than anything else, we have to guard against having the attitude of the older son.  This attitude forbids any other prodigal from returning back to the Father.

Let's continue to pray fervently for the lost 'tribe' in our family and neighbourhood.  God is watching and waiting for their return. He has a robe (speaks of the righteousness of Christ), a ring (His authority) and sandals (His walk) waiting.  The whole of heaven can't wait to rejoice.

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