The above statement is attributed to Walter Wink. When we look back in time and history, we can see that prayers played an instrumental role in changing the course of human history. God acts on behalf of His people who prayed. In the days of Esther the queen (about 480 BC), the call to prayer fasting resulted in the deliverance of Israel from total annihilation. During the birth of Christ, King Herod ordered the slaying of babies two years and below. God preserved the Christ child because there were people praying for the consolation of Israel to be fulfilled, one of whom was Anna the prophetess, who stayed day and night in the temple, worshipping God by praying and often fasting (Luke 2:36-37).
In the 20th century, the course of human history was changed when Israel was reconstituted in 1948 and the German iron curtain fell in July 1990. No doubt, the people of God had been praying for these events to take place. In the words of Paul Billheimer, "The church holds the balance of power in world affairs ... Even now, in this present throbbing moment, by means of her prayer power and the extent to which she uses it, the praying church is actually deciding the course of human events." Each one of us as a child of the living God, holds within ourselves the power of the Holy Spirit to effect transformation in the natural realm through prayers (Eph 3:20).
The history of our church Bethesda Cathedral is also a testament of the goodness of God displayed through prevailing prayers. In the early days, there were many things that militate against the existence of BC. From lack of resources to nay sayers and attacks from a worshipper of Satan, we have weathered the terrible storms that came our way. But praise God, BC has been built to the glory of God! And history will attest to the many lives that have been touched by the wonderful hand of God as a result of our move to Chai Chee.
You and I can be history makers in our own way. This can be accomplished through our prayers. The only way we can see the fulfillment of all the prophecies spoken over our church is through prevailing prayer. One of the early visions of our church was to have a prayer centre operating 24 hours; this is to be situated just underneath the steeple. Intercessors and prayer warriors can congregate there to pray and seek God's face. There would also be a hotline for people to phone in with their requests, which would be lifted up to God's throne room of grace. When a sister in our church told me of her desire to start an upper room ministry, I encouraged her to move in that direction. Indeed, when the watchmen and watchwomen of Bethesda Cathedral arise, things will begin to happen in the spiritual realm that would change the course of our church history, for the glory of His name.
May the will of God be done in Bethesda Cathedral as it is in heaven!
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