Monday, August 8, 2011

Blessed 46th Birthday Singapore!

"Before a woman goes into labor, she gives birth. Before she has labor pains, she delivers a childWho has heard of such a thing? Who has seen such things? Can a country be born in one day? Can a nation be born in a moment? When Zion went into labor, she also gave birth to her children." Is 66:7-8 (God's Word Translation)

Singapore became independent on 9 August 1965.  As a small nation, we lacked the hinterland and natural resources needed to survive.  We had to learn and rely on others in the initial years.  But praise God we were strategically placed in terms of geographical location!  With great foresight and wisdom, our political pioneers worked assiduously to grow and develop the country in the social, political and economic realms, transforming it from a third world to a first world country.  It takes a country many years to grow and develop, even though it's independence can be declared in a day. South Sudan is the latest to join the league of independent nations on 9 July this year.  

Countries that go independent are usually born out of great conflict and strife.  This is akin to a woman going into travail before the birth of the child.  Isaiah asked a rhetorical question, "Can a country be born in one day?"  The context of this question talks about the miracle God is about to perform to the nation of Israel; that despite her sins, she shall be suddenly restored.  It is in the nature of God to bring comfort to His people.  Likewise, the early church was born in a blaze of glory when tongues of fire rested on the 120 disciples in the upper room.  Peter preached his first sermon and 3000 souls were added into God's kingdom (Ac 2:41).  It was truly the work of the Holy Spirit!

The 120 disciples obeyed their Lord to tarry in Jerusalem before carrying out any work. They were involved in travailing prayers which resulted in them receiving the unction of the Holy Spirit.  And as the word was being proclaimed with signs and wonders following, many were ushered into God's kingdom.  The principles of spiritual growth in the kingdom is also one we can emulate for the nation of Singapore.  For our nation to grow and prosper, we need to pray for God's supernatural outpouring on this land.  When righteousness falls on this land, the land will certainly yield its harvest (Is 45:8; Ps 67:6). 

May Singapore be a light unto the nations!

Majulah Singapura!  

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