Asa was considered a good king. The Bible mentioned that he did what was right in the sight of the LORD, like David his father (1 Kg 15:11). He started his reign well by removing idolatries as well as his mother because she had made a horrid image of the goddess Asherah (1 Kg 15:13). He instituted reforms in Judah and made a covenant to seek God with all their heart and soul (2 Chron 15:12-13). Asa depended on God in his battle against the Ethiopians who came with an army of one million and God routed this mighty army, defeating them sorely (2 Chron 14:9-13). In his latter years, Asa became proud and forgot about the Lord. He started to rely on the arm of flesh. In particular, he bought the favour of the king of Aram to fight against Israel. God sent Hanani the seer to chastise Asa but he imprisoned the prophet. The final commentary on Asa was this: "In the thirty-ninth year of his reign Asa was afflicted with a disease in his feet. Though his disease was severe, even in his illness he did not seek help from the Lord, but only from the physicians." (2 Chron 16:12).
Manasseh, in constrast, started off as a very wicked king. The Bible tells us that he did evil in the sight of the Lord leading the nation to a downward spiral towards destruction (2 Chron 33:2). He reversed all the reforms his father Hezekiah had instituted - rebuilding the high places for pagan worship and setting up pagan altars in the house of God. He practised all manner of witchcraft and soceries, provoking the Lord to anger (2 Chron 33:3-7). Because of the abominations he has committed, the Lord brought the king of Assyria to capture Manasseh with hooks and chains, bound to
Who would you rather be? King Asa or King Manasseh? The former started well but ended badly. The latter started on a wrong footing but ended up well. The key to becoming good or bad is our attitude - whether we are willing to humble ourselves when chastised by the Lord or we allow pride to rear its ugly head in our souls. May we all have the tender-heart of Asa when he sought God in his younger days and the humility of Manasseh to repent of our wickedness when we are confronted with our sins. Let's purpose in our hearts to seek and follow God to the very end.
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