Singapore goes to the polls on 7 May 2011. Those who are eligible to vote would be able to exercise their right to vote for a Member of Parliament (for a SMC) or a collective group of MPs (for a GRC) to represent them. However, before we cast our vote, it would be good to know the manifestos and view points of each political party. Now with campaigning allowed on social media platforms, this would enable younger voters to have access to information and evaluate the candidates, apart from the usual physical campaigning platforms. Nothing like meeting the candidates up close and personal, which many are currently doing through their walkabouts.
I guess the first level of evaluation would be the qualifications and job experiences the candidate brings with him/her. The second would be the rapport and connection he/she has with the constituents and the political party. The third would be the genuineness and sincerity in serving the community with the support of grassroots helpers to address issues of concern. Beyond that would be the cut and thrust of debating issues that are important to the populace. For many of us, bread and butter issues would be of primary concern. As in Maslow's hierarchy of needs, if the physiological needs are not met, it would be nigh impossible to look at the needs above.
Once a government is put in place, the Bible exhorts us to be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established (Rom 13:1). Where corrupt or evil authorities are concerned, Peter wrote, "Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people." (1 Pet 2:13-15) The Christians living in Peter's days were being persecuted for their faith by the emperor Nero, blaming them for the fire of Rome. Despite that, Peter urged the believers to submit to authorities and show forth the character of God through their lifestyles.
Well is a revolt possible if the government is oppressive and unjust, just like what is happening in the Middle East? Technically, it's possible as the heart of man is deceitful above all else. Though we may have a common faith in Christ, our understanding and practice of our faith may differ. Whatever one's religious persuasion, there's always the danger of people taking things into their own hands. Though God does call Israel to war in the Old Testament times, however, we are now living under the dispensation of grace, where love for our enemies should abound. Whatever it is, we can pray to God to dispose of evil rulers and authorities (Dan 2:21).
Let's pray that Singapore will elect a government is righteous and honest, built upon the foundation of justice.
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