Thursday, April 7, 2011

Life's Challenges

We all face challenges in life be it related to health, finance or addiction.  Let's take each in turn:

I spoke to a sister recently who has been suffering from Crohn's disease, which is an inflammatory illness affecting the intestines.  She mentioned that there is no cure for it and she has been taking medication to control the disease.  Another sister had an operation to remove a malignant tumor in her intestine early this month.  She was hoping and praying that she does not need to go for chemotherapy.  For both sisters, I prayed for God's healing virtues to flow into their respective bodies, despite what the doctors may say regarding their condition.   When we are beset with ill health, it would certainly affect all other areas of our lives including the people we rub shoulders with on a regular basis.  This is where relationships with loved ones and close friends can cause friction, which is another of life's challenge.

I have also spoke and prayed for at least two elderly sisters in church who suffered injuries to their bodies when they fell. One affected her head and cause an area around the eye to be blue-black and another injured her leg.  We are living in a time when the population of those living above 60s are increasing in numbers due to longer life expectancy.  That's probably one reason why the government is building more hospitals to cater for a greying population where geriatric medicine will play a great importance. I can only counsel the two sisters to be careful with their movement, especially when they are no longer nimble and flexible.  The young are also not exempted from injuries especially those involved in sports.  A student just this week fell from a bike and injured himself, with lapses in memory.  Others can be seen with bandages wrapped around different parts of their body. 

A brother is having difficulty paying his bills due to no work and no business coming in.  He struggles to make ends meet each month even though he has strong faith in God.   He tries to look on the bright side of things and counts his blessings every time there's an inflow of cash.  Inevitably, it has taken a toll on his family relationship.  I've prayed and counseled him frequently, trying to address the root cause of the problem.  On the other side of the spectrum, I have been told that there are Christians in the market place who, because of filthy lucre, cheat and swindle others.  If this behaviour is true, it does not reflect well on the Christian community.  Thank God that He will bring to light all those things that are hidden, if not now, on judgment day (Heb 4:13).

This often happens subtly without one even knowing it.  It could start off with an innocent sip (of spirit or liquor) or puff (of cigarette or drug).  The temptation to get rich quick has gotten many people into trouble with all kinds of gambling.  Those without self-control will find themselves enslaved to it, incurring debts they're unable to clear.  Sexual addiction can range from pornography (which is so easily available nowadays) to committing crimes against humanity (molestation, rape, incest, child predator, etc.).  Fornicators, adulterers and homosexuals are given the judgment that they would not inherit God's kingdom (1 Cor 6:9).  These are people whose lifestyle are controlled by the spirits of lust and find it hard to extricate from it.  But the good news is that some of the Corinthians were such and they had been able to break the power of those addiction through the power of Christ and the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:11).  So not all hope is lost when we're under a certain form of addiction.  With God's help and a willingness to change, we are able to be set free.
Again, as with the other two challenges discussed earlier, relationships are bound to be affected where addictions are concerned.  The worst case scenario could range from divorce to deaths in the family.  If we do not want our relationships to be adversely affected, we ought to take steps now to change by seeking help and godly counsel.  I like the prayer of the apostle John, "Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers" (3 Jn 2).  As our relationship with God prospers, we would experience a corresponding prosperity in all aspects with good health thrown in.

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