Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Nature Walk

Took the family on a nature ramble yesterday starting from Forest Walk crossing Henderson Wave all the way to Faber Point. Ernie came along as well to enjoy both flora and fauna. We took pictures of some interesting sightings. For fauna, there was a rather unusual 'spiky' caterpillar crawling along a railing at the end of Forest Walk. I wonder what butterfly it would be? We also saw a squirrel jumping from branch to branch but weren't able to take any pictures of it.

As for flora, we saw a pitcher plant almost drying up. The plant attract insects by secreting nectar. Once an insect is inside, it is prevented from escaping by the downward pointing hairs lining its inside. The insect would be consumed at the base of the plant by digestive juices. It was an educational tour as well for the children.
Half way through the walk the children's stomach began to grumble. When we reached Faber Point, we bought a packet of pop corns and a tube of potato chips to munch while we headed back to take a bus to get to our car. We headed to Vivo City for lunch and did some window shopping.
The children returned home to ice-cream and a movie on MIO TV. Later in the evening we went to Simpan Bedok for dinner and bought some donuts from Donut Master for tomorrow's breakfast. A combo pack of 6 costs &7.50 - these are your designer kind of donuts. They were yummy!