Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Gospel of John

When I became a Christian in my secondary school days, this was the first book introduced to me.  I remember being given a booklet on the Gospel of John before being given a Bible of my own.  And certainly this was a good book to start for a new believer because the apostle John aptly wrote, "But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." (Jn 20:31 NIV). 

Whether you are reading this gospel for the first or umpteenth time, it is good to be reminded of the wonderful Person of Jesus Christ - that He is our Saviour.  John's gospel is different from the other three gospels in a number of ways.  Matthew, Mark and Luke are known as synoptic gospels as they have similar characteristics exemplified through events and teaching that are being recorded.  The three writers recorded from a historical perspective Jesus as the Son of Man, while John recorded from a theological perspective, Jesus as the Son of God.  Listing the contrasts of the four gospels, we have the following (see Rev 4:7):

Matthew (King/lion), Mark (Servant/ox), Luke (Son of Man/man), John (Son of God/eagle)
There are two special sevens in the Gospel of John:

(I)  Seven Signs of the Son of God

1. Jesus turns water into wine (2:1-11).  Jesus’ blood replaces the Jewish purification system and brings God’s forgiveness, healing and new life to the entire world.

2. Jesus heals the official's son (4:46-54).  Jesus, in whom is life, is sent by the Father at the perfect hour to give life to the children of God.

3. Jesus heals the man at the pool of Bethesda (5:1-15). Jesus offers oceans of living water, not small pools, for healing and wholeness to the people who are willing to be made well.

4. Jesus feeds the multitudes (6:1-14). Jesus is the bread that the Father has sent from heaven to give nourishment and spiritual life to the world.

5. Jesus crosses the sea (6:15-21).  Jesus is God, inside of his creation, during the backdrop of the Passover, crossing his people over the sea again. The enemy is no longer Pharoah, but now sin itself. Jesus is the bread that gives cure to sin.

6. Jesus heals the blind man (9:1-34). Jesus, the Light of world, gives sight to a hopelessly blind world.

7. Jesus raises Lazarus (11:1-44). Jesus, the Shepherd who calls his sheep by name, will himself walk out of the grave, having conquered death. Those who choose to follow him now will follow his resurrection from their own grave and graveclothes.

(II) Seven I am's of the Son of God

1.  I am the bread of life (6:48) - Our Sustainer
2.  I am the light of the world (8:12) - Our Illuminator
3.  I am the door (10:9) - Our Mediator
4.  I am the good shepherd (10:11) - Our Caretaker
5.  I am the resurrection and the life (11:25) - Our Life-Giver
6.  I am the way, and the truth, and the life (14:6) - Our Leader
7.  I am the true vine (15:1) - Our Success-Maker

Jesus' eternal existence was seen in the statement He made to the Jews, "Truly, truly I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am."  (8:58).  Indeed He is the Great I AM. 

Seven is the number of perfection and John the apostle uses sevens or multiples of it again in the book of Revelation.

May the Lord fill you with special revelation as you read this inspired book!

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