Monday, April 19, 2010

God watches over us (Psalm 48)

This psalm begins by declaring the greatness of God and one who is worthy of praise. He dwells among His people in Jerusalem (Mt Zion).  God is indeed her fortress and strength (v 3) and certainly ours too!  When the enemy comes to assail Jerusalem, they would be struck with terror and fear because of the awesome presence of God (v 4-7).  His name and praise shall ring throughout the earth (v 10).

As believers in Christ, He has also promised us protection from all the powers of the enemy (Lk 10:19).  Yes, demons may be foul and hideous in nature, but our God is awesome in glory and  majesty.  It is His holy presence that the demons tremble and fall.  Notice that it says that no power of the enemy shall hurt us but instead we have power and authority (invested in us) to trample on snakes and scorpions.

When we are afraid, for whatever reason, know that God is near, just a prayer away.  He watches over you and me - begin to think about His love (v 9), His past mercies and grace shown toward us.  As the song says, "Think about His love, think about His goodness, .. that's brought us through."  You would comforted to know that God would be your guide forever through thick and thin (v 14).  

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