Friday, June 11, 2010


I've changed my blog-skin; experimented with a few designs before settling for the current one. Hope it would be much easier to navigate. 

The say that the only constant in life is change.  Change is inevitable; something each one of us has to contend with in life.  We all experience changes in the following areas at one point in our life:

1) Station in life: from singlehood to being married, with possible entry of children into one's life.  As believers in the Christ, separation and divorce should not be an option.  One could also possibly be happily unmarried and experience changes in other areas.
2) Employment status: from being a student to a working adult contributing to the economy; in working life, we could change employment a number of times or move within/across departments or up and down the organisational hierarchy. 
3) Place of residence: again moving house can happen a number of times in a person's life or bolder still, moving to another country of residence.  The place where we worship God can also be changed due to one reason or another.
4) Spiritual state: from a carnal and pagan mindset to embracing the Christian faith.  When the Spirit of God works within our lives, the changes wrought in us can be accelerated.  As the Scriptures say, "Old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."    2 Cor 5:17 (KJV)
5) Relationships: death brings about a permanent separation where relationships are concerned; it's indeed a major change where we have to learn how to cope with.  On a less intense but equally heart-breaking level is the severance of relationships through break-up, separation or divorce. 

Finally, we all age and grow old.  The inevitable change that results from aging will show forth in our vision (presbyopia for those above 40) and slowness in motion (not so agile).  However, we don't have to succumb to sickness and disease, if we take care of our own health by exercising and watching what we eat.   We believe in a God who heals but often times He chooses not to.    Even if we are not healed physically on this side of heaven, we know that Christ has already purchased redemption for us fully at Calvary's cross.  Our physical bodies would be fully redeemed at the resurrection when we would be given glorified bodies.   Though our outward man is decaying, our spirit man can be renewed day by day (2 Cor 4:16) through cultivating the disciplines of Bible reading, prayer, fasting, meditation and worship.   As we do so, we grow strong in the spirit to enable us to do great exploits for God even in our old age, like Caleb.  That's the change God would like to see in us taking place day by day. 

1 comment:

STARZ said...

Thank you for visiting the blog and your encouragment.