Sunday, November 6, 2011

One step closer to God's Kingdom

In an earlier post, I shared about praying for my dad when he had this pain in his hip region.  After his discharge from hospital out-patient treatment on 17 Oct, my mom brought him home to recuperate.  However, on the 31 Oct he had himself admitted to CGH due to the unbearable pain and stayed there till this evening when he was discharged.  Due to a fall, an MRI was done on him but no fracture was discovered.  Over this period of time when he was at the hospital, my wife, brother, his wife and I visited him at different junctures.  We continued to pray for him without him rejecting our prayers.  The surprising thing was that he uttered "Amen" at the end of our prayers.  This in itself speaks volume as my dad in the past was dead against Christianity.  When my brother and I were much younger he forbid anyone of us from becoming Christians or talking to him about Christ. 

At around 3 plus today, my family visited him again to pray for him.  My wife and I took the opportunity to share God's word with him, asking whether he believed in Jesus.  His reply was that those who pray to Him would believe.  He mentioned that all paths lead to the same God.  I also took the opportunity to share that the healing of the soul is more important than the healing of the body, as all of us would ultimately die physically one day.   And that Jesus came to die for mankind in order to give us eternal life through the shedding of His blood for the forgiveness the sins.  We prayed another prayer for him that God would reveal Himself to him as the true and living God.  I quoted John 3:16 to him and prayed for the lifting of the veil over his heart and mind.  I invited him to the healing service next week and he agreed to come.  Praise God!  Pray for the healing of his soul and body. 

Eversince God spoke to Pastor Tay in August regarding His heart from parents, I have been intensifying my prayers for my dad.  I prayed for him using the principles found in the book How to pray for lost loved ones which I shared in an earlier post.  Collectively as a church at P&P we have also been crying out to God for our unsaved loved ones.  I have also enlisted the help of an intercessor to pray for my dad and she has not failed to cry out to God on his behalf.  My brother and my dad's sisters have also been crying out to the Lord for his salvation.   We believe that dad is one step closer to God's kingdom and that it's just a matter of time that he would give his heart to the Lord.  In the meantime, we do not lose heart but have to keep on praying; remembering the words of Scripture which tells us that we are to be imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises of God (Heb 6:12). 

Do not give up praying for your unsaved loved ones.  He is an awesome and mighty God as we have been reminded today at service.  

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