Thursday, November 7, 2013

God's blessings

It is the blessing of the Lord that makes rich,
And He adds no sorrow to it. Pr 10:22 NASB

We all want to be blessed by God - be it materially or experiencing His peace or receiving divine health and so forth. The wise man Solomon proclaims that it is the LORD's blessing that makes us rich without having any need for us to feel guilty or experience any uneasiness due to something we have done with evil intent.

God's blessings can be material wealth just as He has blessed Abraham with flocks, herds, precious materials and slaves (Gen 24:35). Abraham did not acquire them through unscrupulous means but through gifts from Abimelech (Gen 20:14). Abraham also tithe to the Lord by giving a tenth of everything he had (Gen 14:20). We can never outgive God in His generosity towards us, His children.

God's blessings can be seen in the ability He has given us to create wealth by using our minds and hands (Dt 8:18). We should thank God for a healthy body; allowing us to earn our own keep and having sufficient to give away as well. No doubt, God has also blessed Abraham with the ability to multiply his flocks and herds.

God's blessings can also be seen in a bountiful harvest when He blessed Isaac after he had sown and was the envy of his neighours (Gen 26:12-15). Abraham experienced God's blessing of a son, Isaacc, in a season of barrenness, fulfilling God's promise to him that his descendants shall be like the stars in heaven.

Begin to thank God for the blessings that are coming your way. He can choose to direct provision for your needs to be met. These blessings will make you glad and not add sorrow upon you. Indeed, God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19).

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