Thursday, November 12, 2009

Praying for the church

At the Prayer and Praise yesterday, the prayer-warriors prayer walked the church compound to pray and release God's blessings. There were 5 different stations (taken by an elder each) to pray for different strategic things.  At my station, I summarised with the acronym SHIFT:

Spiritual growth - as we pray, read, meditate, study and memorise the word, we will grow to become mature men and women of God who would do exploits for the Master.
Hunger for God - pray against worldliness, laziness and indifference to the things of God; that there'd be a thirst and hunger for righteouness instead.
Increase - in glory, anointing and numbers in all our ministries; God to anoint every leader and empty seats.
Favor - with God and men; we'd experience success as we witness and build up the lives of people around us. God's favor will surround us like a shield.
Thanksgiving - thank God that He's going to bring spiritual growth, hunger, increase and favor in Bethesda Cathedral.

So keep praying, that God would bring a spiritual shift in the atmosphere of our land that His glory will descend.

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