Sunday, November 15, 2009

Results of Justification (Rom 5-10)

As we continue our reading of the book of Romans, we can anchor our thoughts on the results of justification in each chapter. I am listing one for each chapter as an illustration:

1. Peace with God (5:1) – having access and right standing with God through faith in Jesus Christ.

2. Eternal life (6:23) – life in the presence of God, again through the finished work of Christ at the cross.

3. Bearing fruit to God (7:4) – as opposed to living carnally (in the flesh).

4. No condemnation (8:1) – declared not guilty.

5. Children of God (9:26) – our status in God’s kingdom.

6. Salvation (10:10) – saved from the penalty and power of sin.

Do take time to meditate and dig out more gems out of your daily reading. Thank God for the wonderful benefits of being justified before Him.

Paul used a number of imageries to illustrate spiritual truths such as

1. Baptism (6:1-11) – our identification with Christ in His death & resurrection.

2. Slaves (6:15-23) – our subjection to a master in subservient obedience.

3. Marriage (7:1-6) – covenant remains in force as long as spouse is still alive.

A beautiful justification imagery comes to mind as found in Zechariah 3:1-5. Joshua the high priest had his filthy clothes removed (this signifies his sins being removed ie. no condemnation) and rich robes being put on him (this signifies Christ’s righteousness being imputed on him). This is exactly what God has done for each one of us as we put our faith in Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!

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