Saturday, January 16, 2010

Where is God enthroned on earth? (Ps 22)

Psalm 22 is an example of a Messianic psalm whereby Jesus the Messiah fulfilled the words quoted in many portions. The opening line, “My God, my God, why have your forsaken me?” was the anguished cry of our Saviour on the cross of Calvary (Mt 27:46). God the Father turned away from His Son when He hung on the cross bearing the sin and shame of the whole world. Indeed, by His stripes we have been healed! (Is 53:5).

Despite the difficulties and problems we faced in life, and even though God may seem far from us, the psalmist realised that God is still enthroned on high. He is still holy and will always be; He cannot be overtaken by evil (v 3). This fact should comfort us as we see the increase of wickedness and perversity that is taking place on our planet. We can still put our trust in Him just like our forebears did (v 4), knowing that He will deliver us eventually (v 24).

Another rendition of v3 says, “Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.” When Israel or we sing praises to our God with whole-hearted devotion, we build a throne of praise for God to inhabit. In the words of the song, “Jesus we enthrone you …. We proclaim you are King … as we worship build your throne …”, God literally comes down to manifest His holy presence amongst us; that’s where miracles, signs and wonders can take place.

When we come into the assembly of God’s people, be it in church or at oikos, let’s worship God with a whole heart (v 22,25). When we feel that God is far away from us, begin to declare His praises, for He is as close as the mention of His name.

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